Friday, February 09, 2007

Let it snow

Yesterday, Oxford had its first sustained snowing of the year. It only totaled about 5 inches, but my British friends have not seen this much snow in 10+ years. And snow does this wonderful to the Oxford student. Mass snowball fights ignited at St. Hugh's. Walking to lectures, I got ambushed by hughsies on their way back from classes. And in the park by the science buildings, I saw human-sized snowmen being erected. One was sleeping on the bench. Another towered over the others, shaped somewhat like Shaq.

Why is snow treated so differently here from at IU? Perhaps we get so much that it's no longer a novelty. That's a shame. If it snows at IU next year, I suggest a snow art fun night in the Arboretum.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's indians seemed so nonplussed when snow came.
Too bad we never had a snowball fight.

2/09/2007 7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

11/11/2008 8:32 PM  

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